Saturday 30 May 2015

Blogger: 1st year anniversary!

Hey girlies, it has been a while since I last posted something.

I am thinking of changing my website name to in around a months' time when my studies are over. I am also thinking of completely changing my website layout and design and I hope you guys will like my new and improved blog in the near future.

It has almost been a year since I started and I truly enjoy every single part of it. My main purpose for launching my own website was to share my honest opinions on beauty products that have been purchased. Before I buy anything, I always look on reviews of the product and only buy something where I know the outcome is going to be good and worth buying. Another reason for creating this blog was to keep a diary of my travels around the world so that I can look back on the good memories created.

I just want to let you guys know that I am not sponsored to review any of the products you see on my website and I will continue to hopefully create great content and more reviews on many items to come.

Future plans for my blog:

  • More lookbook outfits 
  • Budgeting tips (university students), I will be going to university soon and I will be learning too
  • Quick food recipes
  • More beauty related posts apart from just reviews.

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