Sunday 18 January 2015

Asia Adventures: Day Seven- Lotte Mart Snack Overload!

Lotte Mart Snack Overload!

There was still so many things we did not get to see and do in Seoul, so upsetting that day was our last day...
In the morning we headed out to Myeongdong shopping high street to eat at a dumpling restaurant Kyoja both popular with Koreans and foreigners. This was the restaurant we were planning to eat at on the day we came back from shopping at Ehwa, you can check out my previous blog post from that day.

We came out just the right time so we did not have to queue for long....

 I was so impressed with this restaurant both with their fast and polite service with excellent food quality. The dumplings were by far one of the best I have tasted in a very long time. Those little parcels of delight soaked in that meaty broth that has probably been boiled for hours to produce that intense flavour was so flavourful.

After our meal, we shopped around for the last time on the high street of Myeongdong. I had noticed whilst shopping in Myeongdong that there were three stores of the same brand scattered all over the place. Each one with different deals.

I wanted to get some hydration masks before heading off back to Hong Kong so I went into Etude House, seeing as I have already tried Etude House hyaluronic acid masks from a while back, I thought I'd buy some more. They were doing a deal of buy 10 individual masks and get 5 free. Each mask cost ₩950, so it was ₩9500 for 15 masks!

I noticed Nature Republic was having a massive 50% off sale on nearly everything. But we already bought everything we wanted in the massive Nature Republic store which did not have a sale. Word of advice: Check other stores of the same brands for different deals.

After our last visit to the Myeongdong Shopping district, we dropped out bags off at our hotel and headed off to Seoul Station for Lotte Mart!

Directions to Lotte Mart:

  • Go to Seoul Station from Seoul Metro
  • Go up the escalators
  • Turn right and you'll see Lotte Mart

Lotte Mart is massive, there is even cosmetic stores selling famous brands such as Iope, Thefaceshop and Etude House. The place was packed with foreigners and Koreans too, I could see that Lotte Mart provided a shipping postal system in the corner for foreigners to ship their snacks and treats back to their countries.

We headed straight to the snack section to pick up my favourite, Chocoboy! I love this snack, they sold Chocoboy in the local station in Hong Kong but since coming back I saw it was not there anymore. No more Chocoboy :(, so I stocked up loads.

A snack haul will be coming up in the next few posts so stay tuned!

I heard from my friend that Honey Butter Chips were all the craze in Korean ever since Calbee released it in South Korea around two months ago, so we went searching for it only to realised the whole thing was sold out. I hear it is so popular that people buy the stuff in bulk now and sell it on at a higher price. There is a business to be made through this!
Sadly, we couldn't get hold of the beloved chips so we opted for other flavoured crisps such as banana flavoured chips and honey and apple crisps.

My dad decided to buy equipment for hotpot and he went a little bit overboard and bought a gigantic ladle, a bit too big for hot pot.....

Look here is our receipt from that trip!

We then dropped our snacks off back at the hotel in Myeongdong and headed out to eat at the famous ginseng chicken place back at Gyeongbokgung. South Korea is famous for their Korean ginseng and so we just had to try their speciality Ginseng Chicken.
The soup had a whole chicken and inside the chicken was glutinous rice and chestnuts, the whole thing cost around ₩8,000 which is crazy cheap for such a huge pot.

Koreans do like their soups!

It was also our first experience sitting in a tradition Korean house and sitting on the floor to eat our meals, like a traditional Korean!

We finished our meal at around 9:00pm, our day has not ended yet, we then headed off to Dongdaemun to have a look at the shopping plazas. In Dongdaemun there are four shopping buildings, we went into Doota (the most popular one amongst tourists), the clothes there were at a much better quality than in Ehwa University Shopping area but much more expensive. Doota sells individual Korean brands and have so many floors, we all had no intention of buying anything in the shopping centre. None of the clothing styles appealed to me or I was just too tired to look. After about a twenty stroll in the building, we went straight back out, there was another shopping area which was underground heading towards the Seoul Metro station, it was nice to have a look in there. They sold mostly shoes, men's clothing and phone cases.

Our last night in Seoul has come to an end and tomorrow is the journey back home to Hong Kong to continue our next Asia Adventures!

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